Tuesday, January 27, 2009


It was my first time seeing God's astrological signs of Greatness. It was a pink comet flying across the sky at 3 am when I was on my way back to my room from the studio. I thought I was already dreaming, but I had my hands firmly gripped on my steering wheel to quickly grab my cellphone and called a friend because I was so excited too have seen such a thing.

The other day when I was in Kuantan having my mid-term break, I had a chance of taking photographs of an eclipse. It happened at 530pm and lasted for one hour, or so. It was not that long, day started to gloom as the moon moves slowly before the sun blocking the rays reaching the Earth. It was indeed, another spectacular moment, only this time I managed to capture it.

Seeing is believing.
Witnessing those signs, my soul gets so much closer to the Creator.
Subhan Allah.

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Lots of story to tell.

This is just the beginning.